Russia on the periphery of the Silk road

  • Petrova D.A.

    D.A. Petrova. Far Eastern Federal University. Vladivostok. Russia


With the help of the silk road revival initiative (One belt – one road, OBOR), Beijing is using soft economic power to strengthen its influence in various regions of the world, challenging established political relations. This article examines China's cooperation with the countries of Central Asia-a region traditionally included in the zone of interests of the Russian Federation. The analysis  of  statistical  data,  joint  projects  carried  out  by  the  EAEU  countries  and  China  within  the framework of the OBOR, allows us to speak about the active role of China in economic relations in Central Asia. Beijing is changing the traditional perception of influence in the region and is
pushing Moscow from the position of a key player.  Taking into account The President's Address to the Federal Assembly of 2018 and 2019, which refers to cooperation between Russia and China in the implementation of the OBOR strategy, the author analyzes the real cooperation between Moscow and Beijing. On the basis of the implemented joint projects, the author comes to the conclusion that Russia is not considered by China as a partner in promoting the OBOR project. At best, Russia plays the role of a transport corridor on some sections of the silk road. This state of Affairs should not be seen as a loss or a negative phenomenon for Russia, since the OBOR project is initially aimed at promoting Chinese goods, and thus strengthening China in the world. The article substantiates the position that
Russia's participation in this project would put the country at a disadvantage, distracting from
the development of its own production and infrastructure for its needs.
Keywords: Russia, China, New silk road, transport corridors.